Club Member DiscountsApart from having the opputunity to share your mini with like minded people, joining the 500 & 2000 mini register club entitles you to some agreed discounts with Adrian Flux insurance & South Lakes Mini Centre for parts For a great deal on mini car insurance, click on the banners above to take you to Adrian Flux's mini webpage for more information on how to obtain a quote. Mention your membership of the Cooper Sport 500 / 2000 mini Register and recieve our negotiated club discount of up to 15% of the premium. We have also arranged special club member discounts at Performance Direct Insurance. A typical 10% discount is given, but up to 15% is possible- if you wish to make use of this discount you will need to quote a special discount code to them over the phone. For this code, please email us on minicoopersport500@yahoo.co.uk for us to verify your qualification for the discount. Our latest discount scheme is with Lancaster Insurance, where you can get upto 25% discount by getting a quote via this link www.lancasterinsurance.co.uk/quick/2000MR
South Lakes Mini Centre - part of the XPart distribution network For a discount of up to 15% on some parts, mention your Cooper Sport 500 / 2000 Mini register membership when ordering. call Mark on 01229 836638 or email at sales@southlakesminis.com |